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515 N Washington St #402, Alexandria VA 22314 For Sale

Conspicuous Place $999,900 ‧ Alexandria VA 22314

If you're considering a penthouse like 515 N Washington St #402, then this might a good place to start your education about purchasing real estate in the 22314 in the City of Alexandria area.  

Real Estate Data About The 22314 Area

  • The median age of homes in the 22314 area is 35 years. 515 N Washington St #402 is 0 years old.
  • The 22314 Area has an average price per square foot of $652 . But even so, 515 N Washington St #402 is $752 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the 22314 area is 155 days.
  • The average living area in the 22314 area is 1,794 sqft. In contrast, 515 N Washington St #402 has 1,329 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22314 area?
1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is the least expensive home in the 22314 area. 1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is listed for $1,700. In contrast, 601 & 607 Oronoco St is the highest-priced home in the 22314 area. 601 & 607 Oronoco St is asking $5,995,000. Further, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Above all, this information will change.  What is true and accurate today, 01/27/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Julie Nesbitt for the latest real estate data from the 22314 area or for information about homes such as 515 N Washington St #402. Continue reading "515 N Washington St #402, Alexandria VA 22314 For Sale"
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1109 Queen St, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed

Can You Pick up A 2 Bedroom Colonial In 22314 in the City of Alexandria For $950,000?

Stuart Nesbitt thinks 1109 Queen St is a very interesting property in Alexandria, Virginia. It's probably a good value. However, Stuart Nesbitt can't recommend that you buy this home right now. That's because, Stuart Nesbitt's goal isn't to sell you this home. Stuart Nesbitt's goal is to help you to Choose your perfect residence. It's a smart idea to sort out your priorities. What do you absolutely need from your home? What would be nice if you could find it?

There are a lot of things to take into account. For instance:

Do you need a handicap accessible residence? Or maybe, you like steps? What type of heating system do you prefer? Electric? Maybe you like natural gas or the warmth of an oil furnace? The most typical heating system in this section is forced air. How many baths do you need? 1109 Queen St has 2 full baths. What about half baths? 1109 Queen St has 1 half baths. Continue reading "1109 Queen St, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed"
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610 N West St #405, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

How Much Is An Entry-Level 2-Bedroom Condo In 22314 in Alexandria?

Here’s some s about real estate in 22314 in Alexandria. Ultimately, the value of a property can be very subjective. But still, you can compare and contrast these facts with the basic data about 610 N West St #405 to help measure market value.  

The 22314 Area Details

  • The average days on market in the 22314 area is 147 days.
  • The average living area in the 22314 area is 1,754 sqft. In contrast, 610 N West St #405 has 943 sqft of living area.
  • The 22314 Area has an average price per square foot of $530 . Conversely, 610 N West St #405 is $530 per sqft.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22314 area?
  • 1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is the least expensive home in the 22314 area. 1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is listed for $1,700. Above all, 601 & 607 Oronoco St is the highest-priced home in the 22314 area. 601 & 607 Oronoco St is asking $5,995,000.
  • The median age of homes in the 22314 area is 35 years. 610 N West St #405 is 35 years old.
Besides, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. In contrast, this information will change.  What is true and accurate today, 01/25/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Julie Nesbitt for the latest real estate data from the 22314 area or for information about properties like 610 N West St #405. Continue reading "610 N West St #405, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement"

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