Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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Are You Shopping For A Budget Condo In 22314?

Yes, you can find a budget condo in 22314 in Northern VA. But there are only a limited number of budget properties in Alexandria. Maybe one of them is the great home for you. If it's not 801 N Pitt St #320, then it might be one of the properties listed below. If you need more details, Julie Nesbitt can show you exactly what $200,000 can buy you in 22314 in the City of Alexandria today. Continue reading
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Condo Real Estate Inventory Update

Real estate inventory data, what's sold and facts about condo real estate as of 09/29/2022

Are you shopping for a condo in 22314? Definitely, you should learn all you can about the area market for condominium real estate. In fact, you will be astonished by what is happening in the condo real estate market. See below for more info about the current state of the condo real estate market, including
  • condo inventory data,
  • what condos have recently sold in Northern Virginia, and
  • facts about condominiums currently advertised for sale.
Stuart Nesbitt would be happy to help your find your perfect condo. Continue reading
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Dreaming About A Premium Property In 22314

If you are thinking about purchasing a noteworthy premium property in 22314, 1019 Vernon St should probably be on your list. But it's not the only premium property in 22314 you'll want to find out about in Alexandria. Call Will Nesbitt to learn more from a proactive specialist on The City of Alexandria real estate. We constantly update our image library to stay apprised of the latest real estate developments in Alexandria, Virginia. Continue reading
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Surprising Factors About Liberty Row

Photo of 540 Second St #403 If you're considering purchasing a condo at Liberty Row, you're probably already well aware that Liberty Row is in the City of Alexandria and Alexandria. If you want to spend somewhere from $2,295,000 to $915,000, Liberty Row is an interesting community. Continue reading

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